Monday Apr 01, 2024

You only need 6 friends, because you only need 6 pallbearers.

Randi and Henry jump into a conversation on friends and how your friend groups can change over time. Life changes, new relationships, building businesses and focusing on family can cost you some friends - and if it does - maybe that is okay?  Randi opens up about the fact that Maggie has definitely impacted her ability to go out with friends - but that is just the stage of life they are in, and its okay. Henry talks about how he has a group of guys that have hung in there with him through thick and thin. These are the friends you need to have around you, and this is the kind of friend we need to be. 

"The man who would have friends must show himself as friendly." - Benjamin Franklin


Podcast Instagram: I do, I Did, I'm Done!

Randi Instagram:@randisfincher

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